29 JUNE 1929, page 12


A LETTER FROM CAIRO. [To the Editor of the &men...roil.] Sin,—Politics in Egypt to-day recall the apocryphal story of the German traveller on an English steamer, who one morning......

The Theatre

[" EXILED." BY JOHN GALSWORTHY. AT WYNDHAM'S THEATRE.] SIR CHARLES DENBURY was a twelfth baronet Sir John Mazer was a king of industry. Already you have guessed right. Mr.......


When an actor, a manager, or any one else connected or uncon- nected with the theatres, sets about getting up a benefit, his first object is to gain the good word of the......

The Life And Labours Of Sir 'humphrey Davy.

We shall here pause in our narrative, for the purpose of introducing to the notice of our readers a few anecdotes, which will not only serve to illustrate the early character of......

A Hundred Years Ago

THE SPECTATOR, JUNE 27rs, l829. Tax INDULGENCE or LUXURY. We hear at this moment a man crying fine ripe strawberries at fourpence a pottle beneath our window : he also calls......

New Summer Fashions.

The very numerous and continued visits with which so many co, the Nobility and Gentry have honoured the " Emporium " have rendered that Magasin dee Modes universally proverbial,......