29 NOVEMBER 1834, page 9


O'Connell, with his usual adroitness, has taken advantage of the dis- missal of the Whigs and the recall of the Anti-Reformers, to put aside for the present the embarrassing......


The recall of the Duke of Wellington to the chief place in his Majesty's councils, has raised a spirit in the North which no Anti- Reformer will be able to lay, charm he never......

Mr. Baring, The Under Secretary Of The Treasury, And Mr.

Stanley, the Under Secretary for the Home Department have resigned office. Tuesday's Gazette contains the appointment of the Duke of Wel- lington, Lord Rosslyn, Lord......

Election Talk.

A requisition will be presented to the Honourable Lloyd Kenyon, to come forward as a candidate for Marylebone.—Morning Post. Mr. William Williams has been applied to to come......