29 NOVEMBER 1851, page 1

The Misgivings Which We Expressed Last Week Respecting...

policy of the new King of - Hanover have been strengthened far sooner than could have been anticipated. Notwithstanding his express declaration that he intended to make no......

News Of The Week.

Tip relative positions of . the President and the Legislature of the Prenchlepublio , hti'Ve.hot been materially changed during the past ieek-; but the- mutual exasperation......

Lord John Russell; Like Lord Palmerston, Has Had His Depute-

ti° 11 1 but of a more legitimate kind, - though scarcely so cordially received. The representatives of the Metropolitan Sanitary Asso- ciation, who waited upon the Premier to......

The Great Dock Companies Have Succumbed Before The....

London. Dock Company was the first to cry peccavi; and the St. Katherine's Dock Company, the London Anti-Customs Union being thus broken up, gave way next, although on the late......