29 NOVEMBER 1946, page 17

Farm Recruits From Poland

Having in the past and in my neighbourhood seen how much Czech experts could teach us in practical farming, I ant interested in a suggestion put forward to me on behalf of some......

Two Provocative Pamphlets

Sot,—Like Mr. Wiener, I was delighted when A.B.C.A. became B.C.A., and my sixth form and I were able to spend some profitable, or at any rate interesting, hours discussing the......

Country Life

" POOR Devon," writes a native of that adorable shire. " Has any place suffered so badly? " This was written on the subject of Braunton Burrows in the north of Devon, but the......

A Dinner Of Herbs

A herb dish of which I have never heard is recommended by a corre- spondent from a Westmorland village who is also a believer in " Sauce- alone " or hedge mustard as a savoury......

The Roosevelt Memorial

SIR, —May I endorse the suggestion made by 7anus that Sir William Reid Dick's design for the statue of President Roosevelt be reconsidered? Truly the President made of his life......

In My Garden Some Of Those Who Are Giving Instruction

in how to make gardens pay give asparagus as one of the best-paying crops, though perhaps flowers pay better. Asparagus has improved greatly in the last few years, partly......

East And West Sanctuaries

The East side of England has been luckier than the West, though it seemed more vulnerable. The Norfolk line of sanctuaries remains almost intact, and we may take it as a note of......

Railway Abuses

Stk,—Two months ago I pointed out, in The Manchester Guardian, the inadequacy of first-class facilities on the Manchester-London run. A lively supporting correspondence was only......

Deferred Demobilisation

Sin,—Hope deferred makes the heart sick, and if the deferment is due to injustice the resentment may harden into bitter and dangerous hatred. The deferment of the demobilisation......

A Disavowal Of Authorship Stn,—mr. Martyn Sanders Is Too...

when he attributes to me the authorship of the lines, " How odd of God to choose the Jews." The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations gives William Norman Ewer as the author. May I......

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