29 OCTOBER 1948, page 15

To The Editor Letters

DENTISTS AND THE STATE Sift,—The dental profession and the general public have been confused by the actions of the British Dental Association concerning the National Health......

The Traitorous Clerks

SIR,—I am sorry that Sir Alfred Zimmern should have so misconceived my suggestion that "the final verdict of history may well be far 'less severe on the democratic leaders who......

A Supplementary Pact?

SIR,—It was good to be reminded by your leading article on October 22nd how leading statesmen in Canada, in the United States and in this country have come to see that the only......

Disafforestation In Germany

Sm,—It was pleasing to read Mr. E. J. Bryce's letter in The Spectator of September 24th about the over-cutting in German forests. Most English people who have recently served in......


SIR,—In 1919-1925, after the German Fleet was sunk, we opposed French efforts to protect France against the next German invasion. In 1932 we dismantled many of our shipyards. In......