2 APRIL 1836, page 12

Mr. Nottage's Seat.

TO THE EDITOR OP THE SPECTATOR. Chandos Street. Cavendish Square, 28th March. SIR—I feel myself much obliged by your observation on the strange paragraph in the Standard about......

Just As The Paper Was Going To Press, We Received

a letter from Mr. Joan HARNETT KINOTON. Secretary of the Bristol Reform Association, exposing the misstate- ments of Sir ROHEUT PEEL and Sir RICHARD VYVYAN in relation to the......

Affairs Of Malta.

TO THE EDITOR OF TILE SPECTATOR. Malta, 8th March 1836. SIR — Your correspondent, Mr. ANTHONY SHIRLEY, in his letter from Cheltenham, has acquainted your readers with the......

From The Paris Correspondence Of The Times We Learn, That

the negotiation which has been pending between the English and French Post-offices has really at length been brought to a close. Newspapers are to be charged a halfpenny postage......


SATURDAY NI GHT. The Standard to-night promulgates an on dit, that Lord GLENELG "has obtained an order for a pension of 2000/. per annum ; " and pre- sumes that it is......

Money Market.

STOCK PUCKA:V(1E, THURSOAT AFTERNOON. The fluctuations of the Consol Market have not exceeded 3 per cent., and the closing price of to day is that of Saturday last. A purchase......

The Intelligence From Ireland This Morning Shows, That...

men generally refuse to dissolve. They have had numerous meetings in the North, and declare that nothing but an Act of Parliament shall put them down.......