2 JANUARY 1909, page 22

The Reform Of The Upper House.

[TO TUN EDITOtt OY rue SFICOTATOR."} Sin,—May I venture to disagree with the Spectator is the reception it gives (Spectator, December 5th, 1908) to Lord Rosebery's proposals for......

Old-age Pensions.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:] SIR, — May I mention one or two cases where people in fairly comfortable circumstances have made successful applications for pensions ? What......

National Finance.

[To THE EDITOR OM THE "SpROTATOR:1 SIR, — Why should it apparently be thought that every increase of direct taxation, such as an eighteenpenuy Income- tax (see Spectator,......

[to The Editor Op The "spectator."] ,sie, — May A Plain Man,

a consistent but progressive Con- servative, free (thank God!) from partisan trammels, be allewed to express deep dissatisfaction with the recent action of the House of Lords?......