2 MAY 1874, page 21

Jesuits In Conflict. By A Member Of The Society Of

Jesus. (Barns and Oates.)—Tho editor here gives us the lives of three Jesuits who suffered in the reign of Elizabeth what any Protestant teacher would have suffered fifty years......

Laura Erie. By The Author Of "blanche Seymour." 3 Vols.

(Tinsley Brothers.)—We have read this novel without much difficulty, a fact which, however, becomes somewhat remarkable, when we try to re- member what it is all about, or to......

What Can She Do? By The Rev. E. P. Roe.

(Edmonston and Douglas.)—The lesson which Mr. Roe seeks to enforce is that every woman should learn how to support hersek and he writes a very sad story to show what miserable......

Current Literature.

Faith-Work ; or, the Labours of Dr. Cullis in Boston. By the Rev. W. Boardman. (Isbister.)—Dr. Cullis is a physician in Boston, U.S., who has devoted himself and his means to......

New Life In New Lands. By Grace Greenwood. (sampson Low

and Co.)—Miss Greenwood writes her "notes of travel," as she calls them, with some shrewdness, liveliness, and humour. She begins her journeyings in Chicago—Chicago, that is, as......