2 MAY 1925, page 1

Just Because The Budget Is Not Throwing Any One Class

into a delirium of delight it must be pronounced a balanced Budget in more than the financial sense. It strikes a moral balance. By in effect raising the limit of incomes which......

Turning To The Figures Of His Budget, Mr. Churchill...

that the revenue would be £801,060,000 and the expenditure £799,500,000. The surplus would thus be £1,660,000. The expenditure figure was up by £9,000,000. This was " frankly......

Mr. Churchill First Announced An Immediate Return To The...

Standard. The Bank of England is granted a general licence to export gold and bullion. The Government, Mr. Churchill said, regarded the moment as opportune. Great Britain had no......

Editorial And Publishing Offices: 13 York Street, Covrnt...

IF. C. 2. — A Subscription to The " Spectator" costs Thirty Shillings per annum, including postage to any part of do world. The Postage on this issue is: Inland, ld.; Foreign,......

News Of The Week

F OR ingenuity and artistry Mr. Churchill's Budget speech in the House of Commons on Tuesday takes a high place in the long succession of Budget Speeches. It gives the nation a......