30 APRIL 1954, page 14


The Last Food Office

SPECTATOR COMPETITION No. 217 Report by Lawrence D. Hills With the passing of rationing now so near, competitors were invited to submit a letter of not more than 150 words,......


Planting Runners

In areas where frost is not severe one can plant scarlet runners raised in boxes. Slugs are fond of tender shoots, however, and to ensure adequate protection from both frost and......

Watching These Birds To Say With Certainty What Their Habit

is. I turned the dead bird over with my toe and saw the beetles on the flattened grass. Perhaps the owl would return to make his meal, but, on the other hand, it was pos- sible......

Country Life

A FEW fortunate gardeners are unaware that there is such a nuisance as mare's tail, but I am not one of them. 1 toil to get it out of my garden, I watch for its new growth and I......