30 APRIL 1988, page 27

City And Suburban

Alack, A-Day, what a muddled way to be the plain man's friend CIIR I STOPHER FI LDES A very happy A-Day to all my read- ers, and congratulations to those few who can work out......

Public Inconvenience

THE City needs its radicals — Nicholas Davenport, my sainted predecessor, wrote the Memoirs of a City Radical — and when I first met Malcolm Pearson he was a radical at Lloyd's......

Toot Afloat

A SPLENDID spectacle awaits the City on Monday, when the Lord Mayor, Alderman Spratt, takes to the water.- The state barge he sits in will be rowed by ten oarsmen and followed......

Snug And Smug

WHILE all this pantomime is being carried on in the name of investor protection, there are 100,000 investors waiting to hear from a protector. They have their money in......