30 JANUARY 1886, page 3

There Are A Certain Number Of Liberals Who Seem Exceedingly

desirous to get cheap credit for being better patriots than they are Liberals. Sir Herewald Wake, who writes to the Tines to expose the iniquity of the National Liberal Club for......

M. De Freycinet Has Published In The Gazette His Scheme

for the administration of Anam and Tonquin. He proposes to place a Resident, M. Paul Bert, at the capital, Hu6, and to appoint two Assistant Residents, one at Had and the other......

Mr. Sydney Buxton Has Not Succeeded At Croydon, But He

has 4ucceeded in greatly reducing the Conservative majority, and that without any further help, so far as we can judge, from the Irish vote (which be does not estimate as much......

Prince Bismarck Deals With His Ireland In A Different Way

from us. On Thursday he delivered a speech of two hours to the Prussian Chamber, in which he justified the recent expulsions of 35,000 Poles from East Prussia, declared that he......

The Archbishop Of York Throws Cold Water On The Plan

of Church Reform which the Bishop of Worcester bad suggested. He is very anxious that a short way of dealing with criminous clerks should be made legal, but be evidently does......

Considerable Feeling Has Been Excited In England Among...

of Greece by this action of the British Government ; but it is not quite reasonable. In view of the condition of Mace- donia and Epirus, Greece has always cause of war with......

Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent.

Consols were on Friday 1004 to 100.......

If The Land Reformers Want All Their Schemes To Fail,

they will go on preparing Bills like the monstrous scheme called the "Land Cultivation Bill," proposed by Messrs. Arch, Burt, Bradlaugh, and Labouchere. Under this Bill, any......

The Vacant Deaneries Are Filled Up,—both Of Them By Very

good men ; the Deanery of Chester by the appointment of the Archdeacon of Chester, the Rev. John Lionel Darby, and the Deanery of Worcester by the appointment of Dr. Gott, the......