30 MAY 1874, page 1

The Conservativea Of Essex On Thursday Gave A Grand Banquet

at Chelmsford to the ten Conservative Members the county now returns. About two thousand guests sat down to dinner, but the proceedings were almost too tame for report. Mr.......

The General Assembly Of The Church Of Scotland Has Accepted

the Duke of Richmond's Bill for the extinction of patronage almost with unanimity. Dr. Cook attempted to resist a measure which, he contended, would make the minister the......

News Of The Week.

D Y far the most important incident of the week is the return ..1) of M. de Bourgoing for the Department of the Nievre by a vote of 37,599 against 32,157 given to M. Gudin,......

Marshal Macmahon Has Terminated The Ministerial Crisis....

incessant shuffling of the cards, of Ministry after Ministry formed only to fall to pieces, and of 'the Due d'Audiffret- Pasquier's proposals to continue the Government of......

Thiers, In A Manifesto Of May 24, Which We Have

carefully analysed elsewhere, gives a final decision in favour of immediate dissolution. Of course he quizzes his rivals and taunts his foes for their inability to make a......

Prince Bismarck And The Pope Are Both Said To Be

ill, but as nobody ever tells the precise truth about either, it is difficult to form even a conjectural opinion. According to the most vraisent- blant view, the German......

The Week Has Been Full Of Reports From Spain About

a Hohen- zollern candidature for the throne. The story appears to be that Prince Bismarck has decided against Don Carlos, as too much under the influence of Rome, and sent Krupp......

Iv The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In Any
