30 MAY 1931, page 3

Professor Einstein At Oxford Oxford Honoured Professor...

degree of D.Sc. last Saturday, when he gave the last of his three Rhodes lectures on his theory of Relativity. It was significant of the courage of lecture-goers that the Pro-......

* * * * By-elections The Results Of Two By-elections

were declared at the end of last week. They made no change in the strength of the parties in the House of Commons. In the Stroud Division of Gloucestershire the figures were :......

The ' Empress Of Britain ' On Wednesday The '

Empress of Britain' sailed from Southampton on her maiden voyage to Canada. Her construction and launching are another of those milestones which, even in these depressed days,......

Bank Rate 21 Per Cent., Changed From 8 Per Cent.

on May 14th, 1931. War Loan (5 per cent.) was on Wednesday 102* ; on Wednesday week, 1021; a year ago, 102,, Funding Loan (4 per cent.) was on Wednesday 961; on Wednesday week,......

* * * * Empire Day May 24th, Queen Victoria's

birthday, has now been recognized as Empire Day for nearly forty years, and officially since 1916. This was due in great measure to the pertinacious idealism of Lord Meath, and......

The Labour Conference The Question Of Hours Of Work In

coal mines is due for discussion at the International Labour Conference at Geneva, which began on Thursday. The draft convention which failed to pass last year's Conference on......

British Industry The Ministry Of Labour Issued Last Week Its

report for 1980, which it describes as an " outstandingly bad year "—that is no worse news (though -worse Englisl) that we have learnt to expect The Ministry tries to offer some......

That Science Knows No. Frontiers Has Been Well Demon-...

by -the eager welcome that Professor Einstein's novel theories have received from the outset. Unlike his ,predecessors in this field of research, he has not had to write for......