31 DECEMBER 1921, page 26

John Hunter, D.d. By Leslie Stannard Hunter. (hodder And...

12s. 6d. net.)—The late Dr. Hunter, who died in 1917 at the age of sixty-nine, was a talented preacher and writer who, at Trinity Church, in Glasgow, between 1887 and 1901, and......

Some Books Of The Week.

(Notice in this *Munn Coss sot neousarily proeluds subsequent review.] Sir Anton Bertram, the Chief Justice of Ceylon, and Com- mander H. C. Luke, the Assistant-Governor of......

The January Magazines.

THE Nineteenth Century opens with a highly interesting article by Lord Crewe on " The Sulgrave Institution and the Anglo- American Society," which are doing much, in an......

The Turks And Europe. By Gaston Gaillard. (thomas Murby....

6d. net.)—This book, translated from the French, is mainly concerned with events since the Armistice. The author, who is an ardent Turcophile, criticizes British policy in......

South With .scott. By Captain Edward R. G. R. Evans.

(Collins. 10s. 6d. net.)—Captain Evans, with Chief Stoker Lashly and Petty Officer Crean, formed the supporting party that was the last to leave Captain Scott and his four......

Literature And Life. By E. B. Osborn. (methuen. 7s. 6d.

net.)—These " things seen, heard and read " are reprinted from the Morning Post, and well deserve to be collected and placed on record. Mr. Osborn abounds in ideas and takes an......

Chaucer And The Rival Poet In Shakespeare's Sonnets R A

New Theory. By Hubert Ord. (Dent. 2s. 6d. net.)—Mr. Ord's theory is that Shakespeare, who unquestionably knew Chaucer's poetry well, made repeated reference to him as the "......