31 DECEMBER 1954, page 6

A New Children's Play

Exciting without being frightening, charming without being arch and original without being disconcertingly. so. Listen To The Wind, which I saw at the Oxford Playhouse over tho......

At Grips With The Underworld

A less promising crib to crack than No. 99 Gower Street It would be hard to imagine, but perhaps the burglars who entered the offices of the Spectator over Christmas were misled......

Blandings Redivivus

In the latest report of the Historic Buildings Bureau, Sir Alan Lascelles points out that it is one thing to preserve a fine old house from demolition or decay, but quite......

The Prospect Before Us

I T is posterity which shapes the past. Whether, in fifty years' time the year which is now closing or that which is about to break will be seen as belonging to the after- in .......

A Very Good Headmaster

Mr. G. D. Fox, who died on Christmas Eve, had in him that streak of greatness without which (I suspect) it is impossible to be a really successful headmaster of a private......

The Crystal Ball

Negative intelligence, they used to teach one in the Army, is often of the utmost value. Reversing the technique usually employed by prophets, I append a list of things which in......

A Spectator's Notebook

T HE Chinese appreciate tact, and the precautions taken by Mr. Hammarskj8ld to insulate his mission to Peking against controversy and misunderstanding are not likely to be......