31 JANUARY 1874, page 3

Poor Sir John Pakington Evidently Dreads Being Turned Out Of

Droitwich, and is very querulous and uneasy. Well, he is a bit of a goose certainly, and he did once try, and very nearly succeeded, too, in making Droitwich rich beyond the......

Mr. Justice Grove Gave Judgment On Monday In The Taunton

Election petition case, declaring Sir Henry James guiltless for himself and his agents, and the borough free from corruption of a • kind so extensive as to void the election, or......

The 7tmes' Correspondent Takes The Trouble To Telegraph...

of a column describing a ball at the Elyse°, which, how- ever, has a certain significance of its own. The invitations, though strict, were numerous, and so stern were the police......

Mr. Gladstone's Speech At Blackheath On Wednesday Was An...

feat for a statesman of sixty-five who had quite recently been confined to his bed with bronchitis. The day was• damp and drizzly ; numbers, which are variously estimated at......

The Report Of Dr. Livingstone's Death, Which Reached...

Monday, appears to be now credited even by his son. It came from the Acting Consul-General at Zanzibar, and was sent to him by Lieutenant Cameron, of the relief expedition, from......

The Meetings To Sympathise With The Sing Of Prussia In

his battle with the Pope were held on Tuesday at St. James's Hall and Exeter Hall, Sir John Murray being in the chair on both occasions. The speaking was rather ignorant and......

The Result Of The Elections In Ireland Seems Likely To

confirm the expectations we hazarded in August and September of last sear, that Home Rule will find no substantial support at all in Ulster, and that the total number of Home......

We Are Told That In. Scotland The Offer Of Votes

to the labourers has been received with delight by the farmers, as fatal to the system of manufacturing votes now so common, and as likely to strengthen them against the......

Mr. Gathorne Hardy Made A Good Speech At Rye, His

brother's Beat, on Thursday, a thorough party speech, bristling with points and, a most unusual thing for Mr. Hardy, with epigrams. His notion that Mr. Lowe was " so fond of the......

Consols Were On Friday 921 To 92f.
