3 APRIL 1830, page 11

From The London Gazettes. Tuesday, March 30. Partnerships...

CAttEY, Nottingham, lace-manufac- turers—W. and II. R. G rite oN, Birmingham, iron•clealers—SNAPE and PEFFENE, Otis- den, sehoolmist resses—)lrti CRT and How, Bromley,......

Literary Spectator.

REVIEWER'S TABLE, Geor g e Tompson, Attorneymt.Law, don. Vol. I. Part I. Coventry. \V. R. A. Pettman. 4. Essay on the Doctrine of Types. By Malthus. By the Be;'. J. J. Blunt.......

Tii E Ar My.

WAn•OeereE, March 29.—Illemoranda : The half-pay of Ens. T. M'Bean, of the 84th Foot, has been cancelled from the 25th of Felt. 1830, inclusive—The half-pay of Con J. Mahon, of......

Births, Marriages, And Deaths.

Burns.—On the 31st nit. in Upper Grosvenor Street, the Lady of Sir Joust GE. HARD, Bart., of a daughter, still-born—The wife OfALEXANDEIc X'niTLEv, of Balarea, County Fermanagh,......

London Markets.

CORN EXCHANGE, FainAv, Arum 2. There has been a considerable supply of Wheat this week, and the trade is dull to day, and from Is. to 2s. per quarter cheaper. Barley meets a......