3 FEBRUARY 1967, page 12

Portobello Moon

AFTERTHOUGHT By JOHN WELLS Tim great delight, of course, of beginning with a title like that is that nobody, has a very clear idea what it means, and that, according to the......

The Marathon

TELEVISION By STUART HOOD ' T SHOULD dearly like to know how many people sat through the entire four and a half hours on the Kennedy assassination which took up all Sunday......

Crossword No. 1259

ACROSS x Jack should achieve his objective (6) 4 A man of steel (8) 8 Prim nude, without even a single coat ! (8) to A rank order, not to be issued on the quayside. (41 2 ) 12......

Solution To Crossword No. £258 Across.--r...

it China. 12 Trisected. 13 Raman. £5 Noisome. 17 Pedants. rp Passive. 21 Totem-pole. 23 ann. 24 Spoon. 25 Rheostats. a6 Chestnut Mem DOWN.-2 Nullified. 3 Koala. 4 Cake tin. 5......