3 JANUARY 1891, page 9

New Year's Day Has Produced Its Usual Crop Of Honours,—

and disappointments. Sir Francis Sandford, the permanent head of the Education Department receives a Peerage, in order that he may pilot the Free Education Bill through the......

The Times Paris Correspondent, Writing On New Year's Day,...

a most dramatic incident which accompanied the fall of Prince Bismarck. The great Chancellor, aghast at finding the young Emperor determined to accept his resigna- tion, hurried......

News Of The Week.

T HE Indian rising in America is producing the usual horrible scenes. A body of one hundred and twenty -warriors, marching from the Cheyenne River, with their wives and......

This Massaere, Although Provoked By Treachery, Has Pro-...

worst effect upon the Indians, who still hold such schemes to be ruses allowable in war. The telegrams published on Friday are full of fresh local risings to avenge the slain,......

Mr. Chamberlain Made An Admirable Speech On Wednesday,...

was again, in our opinion, much too sanguine. He took credit especially for Birmingham that it had exhibited the courage needful to prove to the country at large that Radicalism......

Prince Bismarck, When Addressing A Deputation From...

week a rather remarkable speech. He denied absolutely that he had ever entertained any idea of annexing Holland. He would not advise his countrymen even to accept Holland if she......

** The Editors Cannot . Undertake To Return Manuscript,...
