3 JANUARY 1931, page 29

The Trader's Wife. By Jean Kenyon Mackenzie. (hodder And...

6s.)—This appears to be Miss Mackenzie's first book, but if it is it must be the fruit of much writing and burning of what was written by the author, for the artistic method......

The Isle Of Dreames. By H. F. Birkett. * (hutchin- Son.

7s. 6d.)—In this book Mr. Birkett continues his chron- icles of the North-country town of Overton. The parochial self-satisfactions of others are seldom endearing, and, though......


Three Visitors A Childhood. By Hans Carossa. (Seeker. 6s.) Da. CAROSSA very properly entitles his book A Childhood (Eine Kindheit), since it has not—as a whole—the universal......

Report Of The New Year Resolutions Competition

WE offered a prize for the best New Year Resolutions for eight of the following members of the public :—The Prime Minister, The Home Secretary, The Chancellor of the Exchequer,......

General Knowledge Questions

Oen weekly prize of one guinea for the best thirteen Questions submitted is awarded this week to Mrs. P. R. Green, .I.P., 17 Beverley Road, Colchester, for the following :-......