3 MARCH 1832, page 13

East India Shipping. .

Arrived. Off Portland, Feb. 27th. Kersewell, Haswell, from the Cape. Off Dart- mouth. March 1st, Elizabeth Jane, Richmond, from Bombay. At Liverpool. Feb. 24th. Cape Breton,......

Division On Lord Chandos's Motion.

MAJORITY. Williams, NV. A. Williamson, Sir 11.11t. Wilmington, Sir T.Bt. Wood, C. Wood, J. Wood, Alderman Wrightson. W. B. Wrottesley, Si , - ;. Bt. SCOTLAND. ' Adam, Adm. C.......

The Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANGE. FRIDAY EVENING. COUSOIS closed on Saturday at 822., to 11; Exchequer Bills at Ss. to 9s. prem. The settlement on Tuesday passed off quietly, as was naturally to......

Topics Of The Day.

. LOGIC OF THE DEBATES. THE discussion of the Metropolitan representation, which took place on Tuesday, offers some points- for criticism. The argument otthe -Marquis of CHANDOS......