3 MARCH 1900, page 16

The Position Of Holland.

[To TILE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin—As the position of Holland, in connection with its attitude in the Transvaal War, has become a subject of dis- cussion in your paper,......

Appeals To The Judicial Committee.

We have received, but cannot possibly find space for, a very long letter—it would fill nearly six columns, or the space of three leaders—from Mr. J. H. Symon, Q.C., whose name......

Mr. Arnold White And The Foreign Office. To The Editor

OP THE "SPECTATOR.] StE,—Mr. Scoones assumes that I object to the "sweeping condemnation "of my Daily Chronicle letter of February 36. On the contrary, I welcome anything,......

General Stone's Cart-shield For Infantry.

[To THR FDITOR op THE "SPFCTiTOR.") SIR,—In a recent number of the Spectator you permitted me to draw attention to General Stone's infantry shields, built for the Cuban......

Sir Alfred Milner.

[To THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR.") SIE,—Your first article of last week contains two errors of fact. In the first place, it is not nearly five years since Sir A. Milner went to......