3 MAY 1845, page 9

It Is Generally Believed In Well-informed Circles That...

will certainly visit Ireland about the latter end of July; and subsequently proceed to Germany for a short period.—Morning Post The Morning Post states that the preliminaries......

The Free Trade Bazaar.

Covent Garden Theatre has undergone a metamorphosis as striking as any change wrought on its stage by the wand of Harlequin. The sombre Done portico is become the entrance to an......

The Peers Had Discussed The Bill For The Conversion Of

the Five per Cents in their bureaux; and 80 out of 130 present had declared themselves hostile to tho measure. This decides its fate for the present......

The Paris Papers Of Thursday Report The Proceedings In The

Chambers on the preceding day. In the Deputies, while discussing an extraordinary credit of 443,000 francs for Oceania; the Minister of Marine stated that Government had had......


SATURDAY NIGHT. Parliament was occupied entirely by subjects of a religious or an ethical nature last night. We must narrate rather than report the proceedings in detail. In the......

A Late Edition Of The Sim Gives Some Though Evidently

an imperfect-account of an accident, accompanied with great loss of life, at Yarmouth last night. " Mr. Nelson, the Clown belonging to Mr. Cook's Circus, now at Yarmouth, an-......

The Writer Of The Following--part Of A Letter From...

in New Zealand, dated the 5th December last, addressed to an intimate friend in London—hi one of the leading colonists at Wellington, and is known to us as trustworthy, both......

East India Shipping.

ARRIVED—At Gravesend, 28th April, E. Buckham, Bewley ; and Jane, Rockland, from Launceston ; Forfarshire, Simons ; and Lysander, Sangster, from China; Ellen- borough, Close ;......

Money Market.

STOCX EXCHANGE. FlIDAY AMINO**. The English Government Securities were without any material change till to- day; when some speculative sales occurred, and Consols, which at the......