3 NOVEMBER 1967, page 35

Sir: A Suggestion For The Epitaph On Mr Simon Raven's

tomb in Westminster Abbey— Maitre Corbeau! Anthony Asquith 27 Thurloe Square, London SW7......

Dead Language

Sir: Mr Raven (20 October) did not look care- fully enough. The striking and inimitable epitaph which appeared on the wall above him (it also appears on the floor) in......

Snob Stories

Sir: Fie on my dear old friend Denis Brogan! It wasn't the Maclean, it was the Macneil (of Barra in the outer Hebrides from whom I am distantly 'descended) who responded to......

The Roots Of Industrial Anarchy

Sir: It is misguided to see the solution to Britain's industrial problem through the implementation of two such . reactionary measures as were suggested in last week's leading......

Sir: No Big Brother Or Big Sister Is Forcing Mr

Nisei Vinson (21st October) to change his drink- ing habits. He has only to take a taxi to his plat* ,.ef drink instead of driving to it. Would he grudge a taxi fare to save......

Drinking And Driving

Sir: Mr Vinson's rejoinder (27 October) does sot seem very convincing. 'Social conduct' is surely already 'subject to prescribed limits' under various generalised heads which do......

Sir: Some Think That In Reaction From The Present...

in general behaviour this country may in due course be engulfed in one of its peri- odical waves of puritanism. I am inclined to believe that the first waves are already upon us......

The Prisoners Of St Kitts

LETTERS From Diana Prior-Palmer, Robert Hartman, Anthony Asquith, Graham Hutton, C. R. W. Shearer, Stephen Harris, Mrs D. E. Estcourt, Mrs M. Daniels, Richard Twentyman, Miron......

Sir: I Am A Great Admirer Of Sir Denis Brogan's

entertaining and sophisticated 'Table Talk,' but may I, as a humble layman, question one of his judgments last week (27 October)? He says that Brand was a great Speaker. But......