3 SEPTEMBER 1859, page 9

What To Do With Election Offences.

THERE is a routine, often, in anomalies. The grossest irregularity has its red-tapery ; the rascality of London and of Paris, perhaps the most refined and poignant specimen of......

Topics Of The Day.

ARE WE TO HAVE ANOTHER INDIAN REVOLT? THE very latest published accounts from India hold out some hope that the return of the soldiers may be arrested on reflection. Our own......

A Bronze Fountain Which Stands In Front Of The Bibliotheque

Imperiale, at Paris, has just been coated with copper by the electrotype process. The operation was carried on in a workshop built for the purpose at the neigh- bouring village......

Cons-cditekg Machln - E.

Hitherto machine-cut corks have not found much favour with bottlers in this country, principally because the machine lacked the intelligence to cut off the bad part from the......

Offal ,arts, Mraitr,

Mosr of the London warehouses dealing in textile fabrics "dated on " to their customers last Monday. One or two houses kept back their show of goods till Thursday the 1st. But......