4 AUGUST 1967, page 24


JOHN WELLS Canon Hugh Montefiore's suggestion last week that Christ may have been a homosexual seems to have caused only a slight flutter in the ecclesiastical hen loft. No one......

Votes At Eighteen Sir: As One Of The Many Short-haired,

non- marijuana-smoking eighteen year olds in Britain today, I was disgusted by the cartoon on page 96 of the SPECTATOR (28 July). Contrary to what Heath. the cartoonist,......


Sir: Mr Reid (28 July) obviously has a very proper contempt for Prom audiences. They 'cheer,' utter 'connoisseur giggles,' and 'bark unintelligible slogans' Mr Reid is, however,......

Women At Risk

Sir: May I be permitted to congratulate Dr Rowan Wilson on his scholarly appraisal of the use of cytology, jn his essay 'Women at risk' (28 July)? As he states. one......