4 DECEMBER 1841, page 7

Sir James Graham Has Excited A Little Commotion Among The

Liberals in different towns, by adding some Tories to the Magistracy. Yesterday, the inhabitants of Worcester held a meeting to protest against "this most uncalled-for,......

An Anti-corn-law Conference Of Ministers Of North Wales...

at Carnarvon ; having been promoted by a local Committee: it as- sembled on Wednesday. The clerical adherents of the cause number 96 Independent ministers, 50 Baptist ministers,......

Last Night's Gazette Announces Several Minor Appointments.

Walter Francis Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry, K.G., is to be Lieutenant and Sheriff-Principal of the shire of Roxburgh, in the room of the Marquis of Lothian, deceased. Mr.......


SATURDAY NIGHT. The Times publishes the following in a second edition today- " The Indian mail arrived at Malta on the 28th ult., and at Marseilles on the 1st instant. It brings......

The Standard Of This Evening Announces The Death Of The

Countess of Durham. She died at Genoa, on the 26th of November, from the effects of a violent cough and sore throat, of about fourteen days' dam. lion. Lady Durham was in her......

His Royal Highness The Duke Of Sussex, It Is Said,

is about to. resign the Grand Mastership of the ancient Order of Freemasons ; and it is also rumoured that his Royal Highness Prince Albert will be offered that distinguished......