4 FEBRUARY 1928, page 3

The- Western Temperance League Has Published A Manifesto...

it has sent copies to the Government - and to Members of Parliament in the West of England. It points out that the Liquor Trade is trying to secure the passage through......

Case Hi The Law Courts Which Ended On Wednesday Has

caused the Government to institute an inquiry into the conduct . of certain Civil Servants. A firm of bankers, MeSsrs. Ironmonger & Co., sued Mrs. Dyne to recover a large sum .......

In The Court Of Appeal On Monday Judgment Was Given

in the important subletting case. An appeal was allowed from' the judgment of the Divisional Court (which was in support - of the original judgment of a CoUnty Court). Both the......

* * * * Probably The Popular Disbelief In Liberalism

is due to the average man's strong feeling about Mr. Lloyd George's Fund. This dislike of an irregularity seemed likely to declare itself, and now there is no getting away from......

Sir John Pringle Issued On Wednesday His Report On The

Sevenoaks railway accident by which thirteen lives were lost and about sixty persons were injured. He finds that the condition of the down-track was the real cause of the......

On Wednesday morning the Daily News and the Westminster 'Gazette appeared as a single heivipaper. Apparently the secret of the fusion had been so well kept that the staff of the......

The Geneva Correspondent Of The Morning Post Says That A

Neuchatel inventor has at last solved the problem of working a clock by atmospheric pressure. Earlier experimenters failed because although variations in the atmospheric......

Bank Rate, 41 Per Cent., Changed Trom 5 Per Cent.,

on April 21st, 1927. War Loan (5 per cent.) was on Wednesday 1011} ; on Wednesdayweek 101111 ; , a year ago . 101f. Funding Loan (4 per cent.) was on Wednesday 89k; on Wednesday......