4 JULY 1840, page 10

Newspapers From The North American Provinces Have Reached...

morning. Their contents are generally uninteresting. Political excitement seemed to have subsided everywhere ; but a private letter from Halifax assures us that in Nova Scotia......

The Constitutionnel Of Thursday States, That 3.(ieltemet...

at the dismissal of the Grand Vizier, Cliosrew Pacha, by the- Sultan, had offered to restore the Turkish fleet, and reopen friendly communications. This is, at least,......

At Length There Is A Prospect Of Regular Monthly...

with Madras, Calcutta, and Ceylon, by means of steam-vessels. The pro- spectus of the East Indian Steam-navigation Company appears in our advertising columns ; and it will he......


SATUR DAY. The morning papers fill several columns with intelligence from China and India, brought by the overland mail from Bombay. Before stating the substance of these......

It Is Manifest From A Leading Article In The Times

this morning, that the Conservative party would be Much disconcerted by the rejection of the Canada Government Bill, and that the settlement of the question is at least as......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANGE, FumAr Arrnemon. The operations in the English Stocks have been on a very limited scale, and the fluctuations scarcely deserving of remark ; the closing......

The Proceedings In Parliament Last Night Possess Little...

Lords agreed to the various clauses of the Admiralty Courts Bill; Lord Buounuam remarking that his principal objection to the measure was removed by the clause preventing the......

The Havre Journal Mentions That Messrs. Guillon And...

that place, who had been to London to induce some English capitalists to join in the company for establishing a line of steamers between Havre and New York, have returned in......