4 JULY 1846, page 11

Library Of The British Museum.

The vast size and importance to which the British Museum has attained within the last few years, has caused it to be regarded with just pride by Englishmen; and it cannot be......

The Gazette Of Yesterday Notifies That The Queen Has Been

pleased to appoint Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Despard, of the Ninety-ninth Foot, and Lieutenant- Colonel Robert Henry Wynyard, of the Fifty-eighth Foot, to be Companions of the......

New York Papers To The 16th 'june Have Been Received

by the ship Silas Holmes, being one day later than those received by the Hibernia. Mr. Allen re- si gned, on the 15th, the Chairmanship of the Senate Committee on Foreign......

Saturday Eventro.

The day has produced no great addition to the reports about the Minis- terial arrangements. We find the following paragraphs in the Standard- " Summonses were issued this......

The New Corn-law Repeal Bill Came Into Operation On Monday

; and, since then, about 75,000 quarters of wheat, 4,000 quarters of oats, 3,000 quarters of barley, and 1,800 quarters of beans, have been taken out of bond. This is a greater......


SATURDAY. Master of the Mint Mr. Shell. Secretary of the Board of Admiralty Mr. H. G. Ward. Attorney-General Sir Thomas Wilde. A Lord of the Treasury Viscount Ebrington. Under......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY ATTIE/00N. The intelligence of the settlement of the Oregon question, received on Monday, has completely altered the appearance of the Stock Market, and......