4 MAY 1844, page 9

The Times Announces The Appointment Of A Successor To Lord

Ellen- borough— " We have reason to believe that Sir Henry Hardinge will be nominated to the office of Governor-General of India ; and that this appointment will take place with......


The Queen's tenancy of Osborne House, in the Isle of Wight, com- menced on the 1st instant. It is expected that the Royal Family will pay a ten-days visit to the place early......

The Queen And Prince Albert, With The Royal Infants, And

the suite, left Buckingham Palace this afternoon, for Claremont ; where the Court is expected to remain till Wednesday next. It is announced by the Queen Dowager's medical......


SATURDAY NIG HT, Another long debate on the principle of the Factory Bill was raised in the House of Commons last night. The arguments were very simi- lar to those already......

East India Shipping. •

ARRIVED — At Gravesend, 30th April, Glenmore, Barnett, from Batavia ; and trial Monat, from ('eylon. Off Rye, 25th. Christian Huggins, Butler, from Batavia. At Ply- mouth. 29th,......