4 SEPTEMBER 1964, page 17

The Church's Wrong Foundation Sir,—your Leading Article...

dealt with the document 'Mutual Responsibility and Inter- dependence in the Body of Christ' and rightly des- cribed it as 'something of really shattering importance to the......

Underground Movements Sta,—your Contributor Leslie...

attention to the Chairman of London Transport's recent warning that public transport in the capital must be positively encouraged, picks holes in one or two of the answers to a......

Upholding The Establishment Sus,—i Think The 'gifts' From...

Church Commissioners derive an annual £17 million in- come, referred to by Colonel Hornby (August 21), should be categorised lest they be equated with the Countess of......

Colour And The Election Norman Tiptall The Church's Wrong...

Rev, Barry Till Upholding the Establishment David Tribe. Quentin de la Bedoyere, The Countess of Lauderdale Underground Movements R. M. Robbins The Outsiders Miss E. Sella,.......

Sir,--gillian Hawtin, I Think, Is Still Labouring Under A...

People who have left money for Church purposes have done so primarily for the Glory of God, not for national purposes, though the nation has often benefited indirectly through......

Sir,—neither The Bishop Of Southwark Nor Mr. Jones Has...

me very much. Of course I respect the Anglican point of view, and my original letter did not seek • to compare the value of traditions—only their difference. 1 still wish to......