4 SEPTEMBER 1999, page 51

No. 2103: M'iud. . .

Recently, a motorist was reprimanded by the police for wearing wellington boots filled with baked beans in tomato sauce while driv- ing. Assuming that he had to appear in court,......


World-beater Jaspistos IN COMPETITION NO. 2100 you were invited to supply an imaginary newspaper account of a new and bizarre feat which has won entry in The Guinness Book of......

Solution To 1426: On The Line

Mar priiiNig neldrili3 iirl A N Nri CI D de VAIO RIM r DU 'b 1 1113111E papriopia illarliOnarlil'E 0 RnonAnio D m11nn 13 ....■ ro N D Arliritha0 N pin 12 111 11MidElm Mid °pm I......

W. & Graham ' S

PORT CROSSWORD A first prize of £30 and a bottle of Graham's Six Grapes Port for the first correct solution opened on 20 September, with two run- ners-up prizes of £20 (or, for......