5 APRIL 1856, page 6

&intro Nub Turthrugo Iu Varitaurtut.

• PRINCIPAL BUSINESS OF THE WEEK. Korea or LORDS. Tuesday, April 1. The Treaty of Peace ; Lord Clarendon's Absence. Thursday, April 3. Torture in India; Lord Albemarle's Motion.......


Intelligence of the signature of the Treaty of Peace at Paris was re- ceived in.London on Sunday afternoon and soon became known over town. The Londoners were immediately on the......

Or Curt.

THE QUEEN returned from Windsor Castle to .Buckingham Palace on Tuesday afternoon. Soon after her Majesty's arrival, Lord ianmure had an audience. Lord Palmerston had an......

The Crimean Inqulry.

The first titling of the Board of Officers appointed " to take into con- sideration so much of the Reports on the Supplies to the British Army in the Crimea,' lately presented......