5 DECEMBER 1863, page 1

The Latest Intelligence From America, Which Extends To...

21st, is on the whole unfavourable to the Federals. General Burnside, attacked by Longstreet and a greatly superior army, has been driven in upon Knoxville, with the loss of......

The Death Of Lord Elgin Will Be A Loss To

Great Britain, but India will have compensation. The man of all men alive bait quali- fied to govern the empire has been set to do it. Stirred into promptitude at once by the......

The Sudden Rise In The Rate Of Discount At The

Bank, which has gone up this week from 6 to 8 per cent., and is likely to rise to 10 almost immediately, has created a good deal of theoretic interest amongst political......

There Has Been Another Division In The Hebdomadal Board At

Oxford, on the question of paying Professor Jowett for his labours as Professor of Greek. The division was equal, but as there is no provision for a casting vote, the motion to......

London Was Saddened On Saturday By A Telegram, Dated 16th

November, announcing the imminent death of Lord Elgin, the Viceroy of India. His Lordship left England subject to a disease of the heart, and over-exertion in climbing a......

The Chair Of Ecclesiastical History At Oxford Has Been Given

to the Rev. W. W. Shirley, son of the late Bishop of Sodor and Man. Mr. Shirley has been scholar, fellow, and tutor of Wadham Col- lege. He took a first class in mathematics in......

News Of The Week,

T HE Moniteur published on Thursday a document which is called in England M. Fould's budget. It is nothing of the kind, being only M. Fould's report upon the general financial......

The Cause Of The Deficits For 1862-1863 Is Said To

be mainly the Mexican expedition, which has cost 8,000,000/. already, and the news from that country is by no means re-assuring. The Mexicans are disgusted by the amount of......