5 FEBRUARY 1870, page 1

The Committee Appointed By The General Conference Of The...

Church has drawn up a draft constitution for the future government of that body. We have analyzed its main pro- visions elsewhere, but may here state that its general effect is......

We Shall, We Imagine, Soon See A Great Many Foreign

loans on the Stock Exchange. The country is full of money seeking in- vestment, and joint-stock enterprise is almost extinct. A Chilian. loan of a million or so was subscribed......

News Of The Week.

A RUMOUR has prevailed all the week of dissensions in the French Ministry, but there seems to be nothing in it. It was stated that the Emperor wished MM. Buffet and Louvet to......

** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In Any


Our Special Correspondent In Rome Confirms In His Letter The

account given in various other correspondences, that the Chaldee Patriarch of Babylon having supported Monseigneur Strossmayer in the Council, and spoken against the official......

The Presbyterian Church Of Ireland Has Accepted...

The clergy have consented to surrender their life-interests so as to form the basis of a sustentation fund, which will be sup- plemented by contributions until it reaches £100 a......

The Ultramontane Organ, The Tablet, Asserts That The...

the various petitions in favour of the definition of Infallibility amount now to 500,—including, we suppose, the adherents of that dogma on the Commissions, for whom it is not......

M. 011ivier Has Addressed A Circular To The...

the Empire directing them how to treat the Press. He tells them to insist on truthfulness in reporting, especially in reporting debates in the Chamber, and on the insertion of......

The Rumours As To The Adjournment Of The Council Are

officially contradicted by the Tablet. "The Holy Father," it writes, "is full of strength and confidence, and is not going to adjourn the Council, as its enemies now say." Will......