5 JANUARY 1940, page 23


SIR, —The letter from Mr. J. P. Van den Bergh in your issue of December 15th, far from correcting my mistakes, confirms and underlines the point which I was trying to make. In......

Books For The Forces

SIR, —The difficulty of sending gift parcels of books to the Forces has been referred to in recent letters to the Press. Would you, therefore, make it known that the members of......

Our Present Discontents

Sta,—To resume my discontents. Since my last letter appeared in your pages I have read with interest the varying opinions of the Bishop of Southampton and the Bishop of Derby on......

The Alternatives Before Society

Slit,—I fear my malice was prepense. Mr. Nettlefold cannot really think me so innocent as to be unaware of the Great Johannine Controversy, from the Alogian heresy to the Form......

The Treatment Of Prisoners

SIR,—It is clear from " Janus's " reply to Miss Margery Perham's admirable letter that he considers it more important to hate the sin than to love the sinner. In this he ranges......

Homes For Heroes

SIR,—I would like to. say hov, fully your leading article on " Homes for Heroes " has been appreciated by very many people whom I have met since it was published. You will be......

Sta,—i Read " A Spectator's Notebook " Of December 8th.

In several newspapers and illustrated papers one can see pictures of German captives taking their tea, lunch, &c., proving how comfortable they are made in this country. On the......