5 JULY 1828, page 11

The " Genuine Briton" And Tiie " Liberal."

Butcxwoon's Maeaziez.—" The disposition of a genuine Briton is to make up his mind upon what he ought to do, and having once determined that, to adhere to his resolution with a......

Clare Election—power Of The Catholic Leaders.

Gimaz.—" The election in Clare is of importance, as an exhibition of the power which the Catholic leaders of Ireland can wield ; and, therefore, a proof of the extreme impolicy......

The Additional Churches Bill.

Gzoos.—" When a sum of money was raised by taxes on all classes in the kingdom, to build new churches for particular parishes, and when the whole of the inhabitants of the......

The Duke Of Wellington And The Currency.

Monmixo Cuttorne LE.—" Our 'Great Untaught,' last night, knocked abou theories as he did Frenchmen at Waterloo. "The measure of 1826 (be said) was not founded on any theory, but......