5 MARCH 1965, page 13


Si,—Plaudits on your new cover 1 Lot us have more such stimulating creatures as Quentin Blake's Gallic seraph. But may you also never for g et the little bowler-hatted character......

Sta,—vcry Many Con G Ratulations On Your Attractive New...

q uite the best sort of chan g e— a stron g and stylish desi g n but nothin g 'jazzy.' Per- haps I may say that you have altered your appearance......

Doctors' Claims

SIR,—Good for Quoodlel A very proper little piece to come from another son of a GP. But I notice that he does not actually say anythin g very definite about supportin g our......

The Progressive Syndrome

SIR,—When writin g his article 'The Pro g ressive Syndrome'—it could hardly be called a review—. in' which the book Suicide of the West, by James Burnham, is mentioned, Mr.......

Letters To The Editor

Prom: Ronald Duncan, Mrs. Marjorie Wallace, Alan Paton, John D. Brimacombe, J. N. Bunting, Dr. Peter H. Walker, Peter Knight, Maurice Bartlett, John Thirkell, L. J. C. Randle,......

Moscow Arts

From MURRAY KEMPTON NEW YORK T HE evenings with the Moscow Art Theatre turned out to be as curiously old-fashioned as days with Nikita Khrushchev used to be. The audiences for......

Sit,—much In Sympathy As I Am With The Excellent Typo G...

sentiments echoed in your issue today, I feel it is only fair that somebody should point out to you that the Modern typeface was, in fact, cut some forty-four years before your......

South Africa

SIR, —In your issue of January 22, Mrs. Ruth Price writes that a few years after the inception of the Liberal Party it became clear to her husband, Pro- fessor Thomas Price,......

The Representative'

StR,—Your correspondent Rabbi S. Warshaw in the February 26 issue of the Spectator states, 'It is obvious that the Vatican, in its present efforts to Prevent the performance of......

Housing For Immigrants

SIR,—Where immi g rants are unpopular it is lar g ely because they suffer from our housin g shorta g e in a more spectacular way than the natives. This, more than any other......