5 MAY 1894, page 1

News Of The Week.

T HE First of May has been a failure this year as a Labour festival. In the different capitals the crowds gathered have been unusually small, and in none of them have the......

The Most Important Part Of His Speech,—barring, Perhaps,...

the impracticability of the Labour party, which he scolded with a somewhat dangerous frankness,—was his sugges- tion that it was desirable to include the constituent portions of......

The Calcutta Correspondent Of The Times, Who Is By No

means a " viewy " man, repeats his telegram of April 16th, in which he reported a strange marking of the mango-trees in Behar with a plaster of mud and hair. The marking is now......

Lord Rosebery Spoke At Manchester On Wednesday, And The Tone

of his speech is, to our ears, one of discouragement, not to say almost despondency. He was discouraged by the difficulty of getting any measure passed by the House of Commons;......

Lord Rosebery Also Made A Short Speech In The Manchester

Reform Club, on Thursday, in answer to a complimentary address from the members of that club, in which, alluding to a remark made in the address that Mr. Gladstone had in......

The Chinese Government Is Playing The Part We Have Always

expected of it in Asia,—that of a Power compelled by its interests to be friendly to Great Britain. It likes bits of territory, and can get none without our consent. It has......

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