5 MAY 1961, page 4

Advertisement Tax

W HEN the Chancellor announced that he proposed to tax the revenue from televi- sion advertising, his hearers were under the impression that he expected the money to come out of......

To Salisbury And Returned—to Everybody's Sur- Usdaw...

generally prise, including his own—with what appeared to hailed as a victory for Mr. Gaitskell. It may turn be a multi-racial agreement in his brief-case. The out to be; but......

Dock Brief

O NCE again the Port of London has been all but closed by an unofficial dock strike. And once again union officials and employers have trotted out the two familiar......

Out Of Internment

O NE welcome piece of news from Belfast111$ reached us just too late for our Ulster mil ber deserves a mention this week; the release; the last of the internees. For a while......

Thirteen Years Ago This Month, The State Of Israel Was

proclaimed: and the Arab refugees, who until that time had been simply displaced persons, • became people without a country; squatters on the borders of what had been their......