5 OCTOBER 1991, page 45

No. 1699: Self-communion

A poem, please (maximum 16 lines), addressed by oneself to the other self in the mirror. Entries to 'Competition No. 1699' by 18 October.......


A first prize of £20 and two further prizes of £10 (or, for UK solvers, a copy of Chambers English Dictionary — ring the word 'Dictionary') for the first three correct solutions......

Solution To 1026: Dahlias 1 C 0 Hal A B E

la R 9 M 10 A P E 'F. 0 an Er I OT IM)AECE '''u P SOCI I •10 li EICI F G l' 2 R AEI I N' E .1 , A D MI! To I I Eli P ' 9 0 13 13 IWO P , 0 11:1131311112 tI I n 113 1E1 In 13 R N......

Ciovas Rega I 12 Year Old

SCOTCH WHISKY COMPETITION 12 YEAR OLD SCOTCH WHISKY Biography Jaspistos I n Competition No. 1696 you were in- vited to compose a sonnet whose first line was either ' A shilling......