6 APRIL 1929, page 27

Bibliographers Are Often Very Dull People, But There Are...

One of them is Mr. Isaacs Watson Dyer, of Gorham, Maine, whose admiration for the Sage of Chelsea has led him to compile a really interesting and valuable Bibliography of Thomas......

More Books Of The Week

(Continued from page E43 ) The new edition of Rejected Addresses, edited by Mr. Andrew Boyle (Constable, 15s.) is very handsome. Its value, more- over, is increased by the very......

Art In England Owes Much To The Local Societies, Large

and small, that provide comradeship and encouragement for the lonely painter or sculptor. One of the more important of these has celebrated its centenary by producing its......

Owners Of Cars Do Not Usually Bother Much About Running

costs, with the result that data of this kind are not very often available. Such as there are make it plain that where a motorist buys a good car in the first place and treats......

Motors And Motoring

Anti - Duzle and Signalling—A Useful Garage THE matter of anti-dazzle has been one pressing for solution for several years now, and with the traffic on the roads after dark......

Mr. Langdon Davies Surely Exaggerates When He Says In The

Future of Nakedness (Noel Douglas, 3s. 6d.) that no woman, however wealthy, must endanger Palm Beach by bathing in the sea with bare ankles." Certainly this is not so at Miami,......

It Is Beyond Doubt That An Account Of An Aeroplane

venture across the Pacific—California to Honolulu and thence via the Fijis to Brisbane—will be both an inspiration and a guide to flying men, but we are rather of opinion that......

In The Arthurian Cycle There Is One Story Of Great

splendour and imaginative beauty which stands apart from the other episodes. It survives in a fourteenth-century alliterative poem which has been called " the jewel of mediaeval......

Frankly I Was Disappointed With The Demonstration. A Fair...

of ingenuity had evidently been expended both on anti-dazzle devices and upon signalling arrangements, but with the former it would seem impossible to stop dazzle sufficiently......