6 AUGUST 1898, page 2

In The House Of Lords On Monday Lord Kimberley Asked

Lord Salisbury what steps the Government propose to take to safe- guard British interests as regards railways in the provinces bordering on the Yangtse. Our original policy of......

Though He Does At Present Not Propose To Have Recourse

to countervailing bounties, Mr. Chamberlain, we are sorry to say, harked back to the old controversy as to whether counter- vailing duties are, or are not, contrary to......

We Have Dealt With Prince Bismarck's Chief...

will only say here that though the man was often unscrupulous and tyrannical in his conduct, there was nothing base in him. He never did a wrongful act for petty or personal......

As We Have Noticed Before, The Westminster Gazette Is Always

unearthing the curiosities of politics. It has discovered that in 1733 there was a scare that we were encouraging French trade to the ruin of our own Colonies. Unless Par-......

In The House Of Commons On Friday, July 29th, There

was a long, but on the whole satisfactory, discussion raised by Mr. Tennant in regard to lead-poisoning and " phossy jaw." The two voices—one for protecting the workpeople (and......

In The House Of Commons On Tuesday Night Mr. Cham-

berlain unfolded his scheme for assisting the West Indies. In addition to the 2120,000 previously voted, he proposes :- (1) An Agricultural and Botanical Department under the......

Later On Tuesday The House Of Commons Entered Upon Heated

and not very profitable discussion of the Chinese ques- tion. Mr. Curzon, who spoke for the Government, was in earlier part of his speech not only confused in matter, but......

Lord Salisbury Met This Indictment Of His Policy, For Such,

in fact, it was, with one of the most statesmanlike and sagacious speeches ever delivered by him on a foreign question. The Government, he said at once, would neither build nor......