6 DECEMBER 1828, page 10

Mr. Alexander Lee.

THE Globe, after quoting our last week's article entitled " Regent Street Songs," says—" We regret that a paper of the acknowledged power and respectability of the Spectator......

Musical Festivals Of The Season.

COMMITTEES, who have the management of these performances, might as well set forth on their placards, that they take place for the benefit of the London singers. It would be......

Philharmonic Society.

WE extract the following spirited and just exhortation to the Di- rectors, concerning the vocal department of their concerts, from the Harmonicon ; a publication which labours......

Kean's Sir Giles Overreach.

IF this performance were to be criticised in detaiLit would be diffi- cult to point out a single passage in which the actor fails to do full justice to the part : on the......

Italian Opera In Miniature.

IN a few days we are to hear Rossim's Barbiere, and some other pieces, performed by the pupils of the Royal Academy at the English Opera-house. The musical public is already......

Lady Morgan And The Americans.

THE following anecdote, in every way good, is quoted by the Yankee from the Boston Literary Gazette. " It was about two o'clock p.m. when I stopped at the door of Sir Charles......