6 DECEMBER 1856, page 8

The Coroner's Jury Sitting To Inquire Into The Causes Of

the explosion on board the Parana returned their verdict yesterday. They find that the three men killed died by scalding, consequent on the bursting of the boiler : they censure......

Litatrts An Nusir.

The production of Fidelio this week at Drury Lane, though deficient in the means and appliances which a great musical theatre ought to possess, was in several respects very......

In The Court Of Arches, Yesterday, The Judge, Sir John

Dodson, gave judgment on the admissibility of the libel of appeal brought in by Archdea- con Denison against the judgment of the Court of the Archbishop of Canter- bury sitting......

A Curious Anecdote Is Related Of Captain Kellet's Ship, The

Resolute. When the last expedition in search of Franklin was going out, Captain Kellet dined with a distinguished friend,. and the lady of the house made him a present. The lady......

A Dutch Pilot-boat, Lying At Spithead, Was Seized...

the re- venue-officers of Portsmouth. She had four hundredweight of tobacco on board. The officers had captured one Jurd, a waterman, with three hun- dredweight of tobacco in......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The English Market has been steady, with a fair amount of business do- ing. The Bank of England yesterday announced a reduction from 7 to 6}......