6 JULY 1901, page 33

Books On Gardening.

The Art and Craft of Garden-Making. By Thomas H. Mawson. (B. T. Botsford. 25s. net.)—We heartily congratulate Mr. Mawson on the success of his book. That a second edition should......

11:1.6 Magazines.

THE editors of the high-priced magazines will have, to avoid more carefully the temptation of snippetiness. It is a great temptation, we acknowledge, for it secures variety, and......

C Urrent Literature.

THE ART OF MARCHING. The Art of Marching. By Colonel George Armand Purse, C.B. (William Clowes and Sons.)—The title of this work suggests a concise scientific treatise, in which......

[ 41 * * Erratii3l—we Regret In Our Notice Of Cowper And...

Unwin in our last issue to have printed the publisher's name as Dean and Co., instead of H. J. Drone, as it should have been.]......