6 MARCH 1886, page 15

Fusion Of Convocation.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR...1 S111, — I read in the Spectator of February 29th (p. 275) an asser- tion which will astonish many as much as it did me, and which must not......

Lord Aberdeen.

LTO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOE."1 SIR, — In your excellent and timely article on Lord Aberdeen you speak of him as a Presbyterian. Is not a little miscon- ception likely to......

Dante's Divine Comedy.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—May I point out that the reviewer of Mr. Miuchin's translation of the Divina Corn media into terza rinza is mistaken in supposing his......

The Man Of Letters As Statesman. [to The Editor Of

THE " SPECTATOR."1 la,—The remarks of the Spectator on the sensitiveness of the literary character as constituting a hindrance to the accom- plishment of great national policies......

The Leasehold Question.

LTo THE EDITOR OF THE 'SPECTATOR?'] SIR, — It is a matter for sincere regret to some of us who are advocating the granting to leaseholders compulsory power to purchase the......