6 MARCH 1971, page 6

First In Public?

Sir Gerald Nabarro is an interesting and complex man and far from being the buf- foon he frequently makes himself appear to be. Dick Clements, editor of Tribune, and I went up......

The Spectator's Notebook

Purely as a matter of fact, having talked during the past week with several pro- and anti-Market MPS, I report deepening despond- ency in the pro-Market ranks. 'The thing is......

Samaritans In The Can

In the spring of last year, an acquaintance of mine who does some writing for tele- vision put up an idea for a drama series (with draft script) to BBC-TV. After a few weeks it......

Wake Up, Bedfordshire!

Although it is, and has been for several weeks, my firm impression that, as I wrote some time ago, the third London airport would end up at Foulness, I hear some con- cerned and......

Nasty New Money

The ten shilling piece apart, I do not like the new money and I have yet to meet any- one who does. My own difficulty, shared by several friends, is occasioned particularly by......

Jolly Good Show

A young member of Parliament went to Grenoble to speak on Britain's behalf, advo- cating entry. He did so in French. He was surprised, and shocked, to receive shortly afterwards......